Project Brief - study of a place @St Mary's


My project will be an investigation into place. Using onsite, primary research and secondary investigation to generate work that visually explores the the facts and the fictions that surrounds a place and the conscious or sub conscious links we form with a place.

Id like to develop a way of practice and research that can I can apply to different locations to help me capture a sense of a place without being too literal.

I've chose St Mary's Church in the Lace Market as I have a fascination for Churches and for this site, its medieval and rich with history and I particularly like the location, that it is situated within a square plot that is raised on two sides,  It feels like island of calm within the city. The Church is also very close to the college and this will allow for many visits over a period of time, to gather in depth visual research.


Primary, on site research will include; Photography (on camera phone, pin hole and digital camera), Sketches, graphite rubbings, journal like notes and observations on each visit, conversations with visitors and staff, found objects such as leaves, feathers or maybe more unusual if I'm lucky. Also just relaxing into it and being led by my own curiosity of what takes my attention and my own feeling of a place and in contrast see what others response is to the site.

Secondary research will involve investigating areas of interest from initial research, historical or person focused,the surrounding lace market is  an area of interest. Also developing visual research, media and techniques.

Contextual Research: Primary research will involve the Monday afternoon talks with visiting artists and highlighting any part of their practice or work that may inform my project, also exhibition/ museum  visits that are relevant to my project.

I will also do secondary research online and at the library with the help of Liz's encyclopaedic knowledge to point me in the right direction. I will aim to research a different, relevant artists or movement at each developmental stage of the project.


To further the initial research and generate ideas and images and work towards the final project, as well as developing and learning new skills, here are a list of activities I have in mind;
 Regular visits to the site, noting any changes, new areas of interest or deeper investigations,
Use different approaches to pulling out the smaller details of the site,
Developing graphite rubbings into relief prints- lino or wood block.
Developing prints into patterns,
Developing  colour pallets that represent areas of the site, eg the weathering, moss covers stones.
Experiment with gold leaf/ print combinations,
Pinhole camera photography,
Mono Prints with objects found on site,
Learn basic book binding via an online course/ creating a sample book of pattern, texture, colour.
Focus on a figure head/ character to drive the project.
Experiment with textile/ needlework/ print combinations,
Talk with patrons of the church,
Explore options of focus;  one time period? Victorian? or let it blur between time frames and fact / fiction?

Time Plan:

Time management will be key to getting the final piece to the standard I d like. I've learned from past projects that I need to focus in on the final out come a little earlier in the process in order to devote the time needed to focus on and fully develop an idea.

WEEK 1-2 develop brief and do onsite research,  and record in blog

WEEK 3-4 (Easter Holiday) develop ideas, start experimenting with material/ process. while continuing research. record in blog.
                    Artist/ research/ ongoing evaluation 

WEEK 5 evaluate progress so far, identify a solid plan for final work. Record in blog. Artist research.

WEEK 6 - 9  Work on outcomes plus artist research and record in blog plus on going evaluation.

WEEK 10  Physical work to be finished this week, start final evaluation.

WEEK 11 (HALF TERM) Finish any outstanding work at home during the holiday

WEEK 12 Hand in blog/ Sketch book work. Set up work for the show. Get some good photographs.       finish final evaluation 

