The idea behind this work came from the idea of a lace machine, in a crude, elemental but also decorative form.
Ive been thinking a lot about the idea of craft vs industry/ nature vs the machine.
Taking the elements of lace- cotton and linen with the floral
elements of lace decoration and the element of wood to represent a frame
and combined these natural materials into a sort of tapestry,the idea being that the drift wood is  the machine and the loose threads coning down from it are being transformed into a decorative fabric.

The dried flowers have been stitched on in and intentionally crude cross stitch, literally capturing the design.
Atheistically its intended to look  natural, raw, I have chosen light, muted tones. I used tea to tone down the original bright white of my cotton fabric.

The circle is to symbolise the cycle of nature and the wheels of a machine and general feeling of repetition and cylindrical happenings.

I noted down words that came into my mind as I was making the work. It was quite labour intensive/ time intensive, hand making all the tassels and stitching on the flowers, but a gentle, pleasant and meditative type of labour.

Overall I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.
i had originally planed to place cotton bobbins on the spikes of the sticks, which gave me the initial idea  from playing around with it, to make a lace machine, but as it progress into more of a tapestry I thought it looked more ambiguous without the bobbins. I think they were too obvious. its hard to see when you are so close to the work  difficult to see through fresh eyes. I asked fellow artists their thoughts on the bobbins and the general feel was it looked better without and i thought so too.
its quite hard to edit out the original seed of the idea, but I guess that's development.

I made a baby version as a prototype and the design on that was an " S" shape, just because the two floral pieces fitted together really nicely and I thought it was an interesting shape. 
I was limited in the amount of dried flowers I had to work with. I had dried the flowers in the summer as part of my research but didn't have a set use for them. In hindsight I would have collected more as  think the design looked quite sparse and I would have liked to see it as a full floral wreath for the final piece to represent luxury and abundance of lace and nature.

Tassel making process (above and below)

Baby prototype

Trying different arrangements of flower motif

Deciding on circle motif, comparing shade of vintage lace next to tea dyed cotton,

Close up of flower and stitching

words on making the piece

Baby prototype verison
Fabric dye with tea

sketchbook notes

Circle inspiration from Newstead and process
