Egg clay/ ceramic


With the instruction detailed in an earlier post I attempted to make egg shell ceramics with the shells I'd been gatheringbfor the past month.
Unfortunately the process didn't work as well as I'd hoped. I fear it takes quite a bit of practice and my two attempts didn't yield anything I could use. Yhe first mix didn't really bind and the second mix though it did bind it set quite soft and was not the solid, ceramic like texture I'd hoped for.
So instead of wasting the mixtures I disobed the gelatine away in water and instead combined it with a little flour, water and large amount of salt to cure and deter mould growth.
And I made a mask that was inspired by bird like gargoyle type creature.
I glazed the mask with egg yolk and baked.
It had a lovely golden varnish from the egg wash. 
A strange object, set really hard and was quite stone like.


Once dry glaze with egg yolk and bake

Thinking about gargoyles, masks, Costume.especially the basket at Pitt Rivers that listed the materials. The materials quite domestic, avaliable and some a little unusual like spider webs I wonder how much is practice and hiw much superstition.
My mixture I'd ground egg and flour, salt and water  is very domestic. And all quite symbolic of folk themes and characters I've Bern wotkjng with.
